Durva grass in german silver
Durva grass made in german silver for offering to Lord Ganesha. Durva is a special type of sacred grass. The word Durva is derived from the words duhu and avam. Duhuavam means that which is far away and means that which brings closer. According to this meaning, Durva is that which brings the distant pure spiritual particles (pavitraks) of Shri Ganeshji closer. Durva are used in auspicious events and ritualistic worship of Deities, especially in the worship of Lord Ganesha.
Durva have the highest ability to attract and emit the Principles of the three Deities Primal Shiva, Primal Shakti and Primal Ganapati. Durva have the highest ability to attract the Ganesh Principle.
Offering: Tie the Durva together and offer them to Shri Ganesh ji after dipping into water. The entire idol of Shri Ganesh ji excluding the face should be covered with Durva. Thus the fragrance of Durva spreads around the idol.
As per legends: Once there was an Asura (demon) named Anal Asura. He was terribly dangerous and enormous. He used to emit fire from his eyes and had a hellish gruff and raucous voice. Whenever he used to speak, people used to tremble just because of his voice. All the Gods were petrified of him. Everybody went to Lord Ganesha and requested him to slay the demon. Ganesha disguised himself as a child and went to deal with the demon. Ganesha confronted the demon, and a Sarvaksha (a form of war where the opponents fight by using their eyes as weapons) started between them. The demon burnt everything around Lord Ganesha. Anal Asuras eyes were oozing fireballs, and after many efforts he tried to gulp Lord Ganesha. In the meantime, Ganesha took his Virat Roopam (Disguised himself as a giant). Instead of Anal Asura trying to gulp Lord Ganesha, Ganesha gulped Anal Asura. Due to the increased heat in his body he lay on the ground. He tried hard to control and beat the heat, but each passing minute was making him uncomfortable and the heat was becoming unbearable for him. He applied a massive amount of Chandan (sandal paste) on His body, but even that did not help. All Gods put their heads together to find a solution that would make Ganesha better. They finally decided to make a foundation of the Moon, and apply it on Ganeshas head. Hence, Ganesha is often known as Bhalchandra (the one who has a crescent moon on his head). Lord Vishnu gave him his Lotus, thus lending the name Padmapani(the one who holds the Lotus flower), Lord Shankara gave him a cobra from his neck and tied it around Ganeshas hips, Lord Varuna (Rain God) showered plenty of water on him; but all in vain. Everybody present there were trying their level best to calm Ganesha, but everything was proving fruitless. Some sages were present there, and they suggested that some Durva Grass should be given to Lord Ganesha. Everybody agreed, and they gave it a chance. The sages used 21 Durvas wit on Ganeshas head. Miraculously, Ganesha completely recovered. Ganesha was pleased with the fact that a grass helped Him and comforted Him while all the Gods were trying their best to do so. With this Ganesha announced whosoever would pray Him with Durvas, would become pious and will get punyas (boon)..
Short Description | Durva is a special type of sacred grass. Durva grass made in german silver for offering to Lord Ganesha. |