Sri Yamuna Puja and Yamunashtak Path-For Prosperity ,Wealth and Well Being

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Duration: 1 Day
Number of priests: 2
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Duration: 1 Day
Number of priests: 3
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Duration: 3 Days
Number of priests: 5
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Duration: 5 Days
Number of priests: 9
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Duration: 7 Days
Number of priests: 12
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Yamuna is made up of two words Yama + Una, Yama means Yamdev, Una means Less, Nyun. Here, the younger sister of Yama, , the second meaning is to take the meaning of Yamadhatu in Sanskrit. Shriyamunaji takes the goddess closer to God, and makes the name true.  Two maias are famous in the Hindu Religion. One Yashoda Maia another Yamuna Maia. Shri yashoda  is the mother of Lord Shri Krishna, and Shriyamunaji is the lover of devotees. Yamuna is one of the holiest rivers in Hinduism. Yamuna is only second to the Ganges (Ganga), the holiest river in HinduismYamuna ji also sits in the emotional form of Shrimaharaniji and the fourth Priya of Shri Prabhu in the heart of the devotees with positive sentiment.

The first of Shri Vallabhacharya's sixteen works is the Yamunastakam.Shri Yamushtakam is the first among the sixteen works known as shodashgranth. This particular granth is composed by Shri Vallabh in v.s.1549(1491 A.D.) on the Shraavan Shukla 3 during the prithvi parikrama Shri Vallabh was in Gokul and he was undecided about the exact place of Thakurani Ghat. At that time Shri Yamunaji herself appeared and guided Shri Vallabh and pointed out the exact place. Shri Vallabh than and there composed Shri Yamunashtakam,the beautiful stotra,in the praise of Shri Yamunaji. It consists 9 verses,eight of them are written in praise of Yamunaji and in 9th Shri Vallabh describes for daily paath- doers the fruits of Shri Yamunashtakam.

Namami Yamuna Maham, Sakal Siddhi Hetum Muda, Murari Padpankaj Sfuradamand, Renootkatam, Tatastha Nav Kanana, Prakat Mod Pushpambunaa, Suraa Sursu Poojitaha, Smara Pituh Shri yambibhrateem.

Kalind Girimastake, Pata Damand Poorojjwalaa, Vilas Gamanollasat, Prakatgand Shailonnata, Sagoshagantidantura, Samadhiroodh Dolottama, Mukund Rati Vardhinee, Jayati Padma Bandhoho Suta.

Bhuvam Bhuvana Pawaneem, Adhigatamane Kashwanaihi, Priyabhiriva Sevateam, Shuka Mayur Hansadibhihi, Tarang Bhuj Kankana, Prakat muktikavaluka, Nitambtat Sundareem, Namat Krishna Turya Priyam.

Anant Gunabhusite, Shiva Viranchi Devastute, Ghanaghan Nibhe Sada, Dhruva Parasharaa Bhistade, Vishuddha Mathura Tate, Sakal Gopgopi Vrute, Krupa Jaladhi Sanshrite, Mama Manha Sukham Bhavayah.

Yaya Charan Padmajaa, Muraripoho Priyam Bhavuka, Samaagamanto Bhavet, Sakal Siddhida Sevatam, Taya Sadrushtamiyat, Kamalja Spatnee Vayat, Hari Priya Kalindaya, Mansi Mesada Stheeyatam.

Namostu Yamune Sada, Tav Charitra Matyadbhutam, Na Jaatu Yam Yatna, Bhavati Te Payaha Panatha, Yamopi Bhaginee Sutan, Kathamuhanti Dushtanpi, Priyobhavati Sevanaat, Tav Hareryutha Gopikaha.

Mamastu Tav Sannidhau, Tanu Navatvam Etavata, Na Durlabhatama Rati, Muraripau Mukundpriye, Atostu Tav Lalna, Surdhunee Param Sangamaat, Tavaiv Bhuvi Keertita, Na Tu Kadapi Pushti Sthitaihi.

Stutim tava karoti kha, kamalajasepatni priyae, Hareryadanusevaya, bhavati sokhyamamokshatah, Eeyam tava kathadhika, sakalegopikasangamah, Smarashramajalanubhih, sakalegatrajaih sangamah.

Tavashtakamidam muda, pathati surasutae sada, Samastaduritakshayo, bhavati vai Mukundae ratih, Taya sakalesiddhayoo, Murarupushya santushyati, Svabhavavijiyo bhavet, vadati Vallabhah Shrihareh.

Benefits Of Yamunastak path and puja

1. Brings peace,prosperity ,wisdom,and well being.
2. It purifies the souls of devotees.
3. Cures diseases and ailments and improves their earthly lives.
4. Washes away the sins of devotees and gives peace to the souls of their ancestors.
5. Helps one attain Moksha or liberation of the soul.
6. Provides Harmony,Balance ,Unity and Oneness In Family.
7.Brings the divine grace of Lord Krishna in ones life

It is Shri Mahaprabhujis  brilliant praise of the divine river Who is also Shri Krishna's most beloved. It is through Shri Yamunaji's grace that one receives the ability to meet Krishna. She is the source of all divine powers and increases the bhakta's love for Shri Krishna. She purifies the earth and removes obstructions that keep bhaktas from experiencing the Blessed Lord. She removes the burdens of this age of struggle, elevates her bhaktas and makes them dear to Krishna. Finally, she transforms the being and makes her fit for His loving service. Shri Vallabhacharya's Praise of Yamuna is the auspicious introduction to his sixteen works. 

Puja Schedule: The specific Date and Timings of Sri Yamuna Puja and Yamunashtak Path-For Prosperity ,Wealth and Well Being will be educated to you through an email. You will be provided with the contact no. of the priest, to call during the Sankalpa/Puja.

Details required for Puja
We request you to provide us the following details for the Puja via email on Name of the person for whom the Puja has to be performed
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Time of Birth
Your wish (Sankalpa) from this Puja

Email us:
Mobile: +91-9820697944

Puja service includes:
Vedic Vaani priests will perform yamuna poojan,Avahan,Abhishek with milk &flowers ,bhog , Yamunaji stuti, ,Yamunastak Path recitation ,arti.

Vedic Vaani priests will perform Puja and Paath as per Vedic Hindu Rituals.You will be provided with the contact no. of the priest, to call during the sankalpa/Puja Please mention your birth details (name, date, time, place) and Sankalp (wish) at checkout. The Puja prasad and photos will be sent to you through courier.
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Short DescriptionBenefits Of Yamunastak path and puja

1. Brings peace,prosperity ,wisdom,and well being.
2. It purifies the souls of devotees.
3. Cures diseases and ailments and improves their earthly lives.
4. Washes away the sins of devotees and gives peace to the souls of their ancestors.
5. Helps one attain Moksha or liberation of the soul.
6. Provides Harmony,Balance ,Unity and Oneness In Family.
7.Brings the divine grace of Lord Krishna in ones life

Shri Yamushtakam is the first among the sixteen works known as shodashgranth. This particular granth is composed by Shri Vallabh in v.s.1549(1491 A.D.) on the Shraavan Shukla teej during the prithvi parikrama Shri Vallabh was in Gokul and he was undecided about the exact place of Thakurani Ghat. At that time Shri Yamunaji herself appeared and guided Shri Vallabh and pointed out the exact place. Shri Vallabh than and there composed Shri Yamunashtakam,the beautiful stotra,in the praise of Shri Yamunaji. It consists 9 verses,eight of them are written in praise of Yamunaji and in 9th Shri Vallabh describes for daily paath- doers the fruits of Shri Yamunashtakam.