Shree Gajanan Maharaj

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Shree Gajanan Maharaj samadhi shegal pratima (Image) made on copper plate. Shri Gajanan Maharaj Samadhi Temple is at the center surrounded by two specious entrance gatesin the north and the west directions respectively.

Design: Made embossed image on copper plate.
Dimansions: 2.5 Inches (W) x 2.75 Inches (H).

Copper is well known for its grasping capacity. It grasps the divine spirit (sattvikta) upto 30%, when compared to other metals. Copper can destroy bad spirits like Raj & Tam (i.e. darkness & bad behavior). The spiritual vibrations are attracted towards copper items easily. Just as copper has the ability to absorb the sattvik frequencies of deities, it has also capacity of transmitting them. Thus it becomes rich in divinity in a short period.

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Made embossed image on copper plate.
Dimensions: 2.5 Inches (W) x 2.75 Inches (H)  (6 x 6 cms approx)