Lord Ganesh Wife Goddess Riddhi Siddhi Idol/Murti

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Riddhi-Siddhi are placed with lord Ganesha during Pooja and other rituals in Hindu Ceremonies. Riddhi is said to depict wealth and prosperity, while Siddhi stands for intellect and spiritual powers.

Lord Ganesh is often associated with the three virtues i.e. Buddhi, Siddhi and Riddhi. Ganesha himself is the portrayal of Buddhi (wisdom) whereas other two, Siddhi (spirituality and intellect) and Riddhi (prosperity and wealth) are his consorts.

They are known to be the daughters of Lord Brahma, who himself gave them in marriage to Ganesh ji. So from that day, whenever the devotee worships Lord Ganesha, then Riddhi and Siddhi also accompanies him and showers her blessings upon the devotee.

Dimensions: 2 inches (H) x 1.5 inches (W) approx
Weight: 30 gms approx

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Short DescriptionRiddhi-Siddhi are placed with lord Ganesha during Pooja and other rituals in Hindu Ceremonies. Riddhi is said to depict wealth and prosperity, while Siddhi stands for intellect and spiritual powers.

Dimensions: 2 inches (H) x 1.5 inches (W) approx
Weight: 30 gms approx