Golden Flower Design Puja Aasan is used as back drop for Krishna, Durga and other deity idols to brighten the aura. Also used as a curtain for puja altar or mandir.
Buy deity paduka, charan padukas online from India. Paduka also means foot prints of Hindu gods such as Vishnu, Shiva and several saints and masters that are worshipped in this symbolic form in houses and also in temples built for this purpose. Dimensions: 1 inches (L) x 0.5 inches (W) Weight: 10 grams Qty :1set
Buy Sacred thread, mauli, mouli, raksha sutra online. Mauli or raksha sutra consist two colours ie. red & yellow separetaly in various parts of mauli. Yellow colours represents the spritual energy. Quantity: Set of 2 rolls.
A traditional type of prayer mat is the one made with grass and is called "Kush Aasana". Dimensions: 70 inches (L) X 36 inches (W) Weight: 890 gramsQuantity: 1 pc
A brass panchpatra and pali set (also called charan amrit set) is an integral part of poojas where in the holy charan amrit is placed before the pooja and then distributed upon the Pooja's completion.DimensionsPanchapatra: 2.5 inches (H) x 2.25 inches (Base) X 3 inches (Top Daimeter)Pali: 4.25 inches (L)Weight: 90 gms