Maryada Purushottam Bhagwan Shri Ram statue As an 7th avatar of lord Vishnu

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Why is Sri Ram referred to as "Maryada Purushottam"? In Sanskrit, Maryada Purushottam means “honor and righteousness”, and Purushottam means “the supreme man”. Lord Rama had 16 qualities no human being can possess at the same time. He is Maryada Purushottam because of this.

Make: madein brass metal
Dimensions: 5.5 inches (H) x 2.5 inches (W)
Weight: 530 gms

- Here the word guna means special excellences, which are separate from the ordinary visible qualities, because the reply to this question mentions such excellences.

- The excellence by which one defeats the enemies without himself being injured is called Viryam and one who has it is called Viryavan.
- Dharmajna is a person who knows both the general and special dharmas.
- Krtajna is he who considers even a little help rendered by others as great.
- Satyavak is one who speaks the truth under all circumstances.
- Drdhvrata is he who does not break a vow until it yields the desired result.
- Caritra is the behaviour that has come down as a tradition in one’s family. Caritrena Yuktah is one who possesses all good behaviour.
- The phrase Sarvabhutesu implies that the person does good even to those that offend him.
- Aidvan knows everything worthy of knowing.
- Samartha is a person who is able to perform tasks which others cannot.
- Kascaica priyadarsanah is the person whose sight is endlessly dear to all. Sight can become dear only for handsome limbs. Hence it means a person who has exquisite limbs.
- Atmavan is one who controls his mind or who is courageous.
- Jitakrodhah is a compound word, in this krodha implies all the six bad qualities of the mind, namely kama (lust), krodha (anger), lobha (avarice), moha (infatuation), mada (intoxication or arrogance) and matsarya (envy). Jita is one who has subdued them. So the phrase denotes he who has subdued all the six internal enemies.
- Dyutiman is brilliant.
- Asuya is finding flaws even in excellences; he who is free from asuya or feared by gods or demons in battles is anasuyaka.Etat means he who possesses all the qualities cited above. Trilokajna is a person whose knowledge encompasses all the three worlds. Amantrya implies he attracted Valmiki’s attention for achieving similarity of thought.
- Kasya Bibhyati Devasca shows the abundance of qualities that makes gods afraid. This does not apply to Brahma etc. It relates to somebody else (Rama).

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Short DescriptionWhy is Sri Ram referred to as "Maryada Purushottam"? In Sanskrit, Maryada Purushottam means “honor and righteousness”, and Purushottam means “the supreme man”. Lord Rama had 16 qualities no human being can possess at the same time. He is Maryada Purushottam because of this.

Make: madein brass metal
Dimensions: 5.5 inches (H) x 2.5 inches (W)
Weight: 530 gms