Shree Krishna Beautiful Carved Locket kanthi Beads Tulsi Necklace Mala

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The benefits of Krishna locket kanthi necklace is spiritual and physical healing powers, the touch of the Tulsi wood acts as a rejuvenator for the stressed mind and brings the spiritual self of a person closer to God. On top of that, wearing the It is said to balance the kapha and the vata dosha. Tulsi clears the aura, and its subtle smell fills the heart with sensation of the divine.

Wearing a garland of Tulsi around the neck brings purity to both mind and soul.

A man's spiritual progress takes place by which he feels himself closer to God, wearing Tulsi mala brings honor and good fortune. Positivity develops in the mind. Wearing a garland of Tulsi gives mental peace.

The person who wears Tulsi Mala, that person falls ill very rarely. A person wearing a Tulsi Mala is blessed with fame, fame and prosperity.

According to the Puranas, it is also believed that if there is a Mala of Tulsi on the body while taking food, then that person gets the virtue of performing yajna many times.

Note- Tulsi mala Color beads are Natural so Swarup colors of beads vary.

Length: 11.5 inches approx
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Short DescriptionAccording to the Puranas, it is also believed that if there is a Mala of Tulsi on the body while taking food, then that person gets the virtue of performing yajna many times.

Length: 11.5 inches approx