GauDaan-at Land of Divine Lord Kirshna's BrajBhumi
Gau' means cow and Daan means donation. Cow has a great importance in Hindu religion. Since ancient times cows have been donated by kings and other people to Brahmins and others. Although it can be donated any time, but it is believed that at least one cow must be donated in one man's life time. The benefits of donating a cow are simply endless. There is no other donation comparable to donation of a cow in this world. Gau Daan can be performed for getting rid of Sins.Pratyaksh (Real Cow) will be donated to a brahmin.Gau Puja will be performed before Giving Danam.
Benefits / Purpose of Cow donation:
1. Paap Dhenu Daan: to get rid off sins.2. Karj Mukti Dhenu Daan: freedom from debts.
3. Moksha Dhenu Daan: for Moksha (enlightenment)
4. Prayaschit Dhenu Daan: for seeking forgiveness
5. Vaitarni Dhenu Daan: Cow donation during the last days of a person's life for Moksha (enlightenment).
6. It helps in making a person pure and helps him in attaining the highest state of eternal bliss.
7. It is said that the Sun, Moon, Varuna, Agni, Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva salute the person who donates cow benevolently.
The cow is also considered holy due to the belief that Hindus can reach heaven just after crossing a mythological river grabbing a cow's tail. Besides, the ceremony for the soul pass of a dead person includes the donation of a cow to the Brahman priest. Gaudaan is highly recommended in Various Vedic Scriptures.
In the 11th (11.11.43) Canto of Shrimat Bhagwatam Krishna told his beloved cousin Udhava that he can be worshiped by offering cow grass and other suitable grains. Worshiping cow is equal to worshiping Krishna.
Bhagwat Geeta tells us about the importance of being in "Satva guna”, Satva guna brings us peace and happiness and worshiping cow increases our satva guna. Drinking cow milk blesses us with Divine consciousness and Divine energy and fills our body with transcendental qualities (sattvikta).
The product manufactured from cow milk helps us purify our body and purify our thoughts which in-turn helps us to perform right actions. By feeding grains and by offering puja to the cows, one can receive extraordinary spiritual benefits. Serving and protecting cow pleases God and Demi-gods present in the cow and it takes us closer to the Supreme personality of God.
According to Skanda Purana, “One can demolish all his sinful acts by simply offering respect to the cows”. If we maintain and serve a cow in a nice manner then we can not only catch Krishna’s attention and but we can please Krishna as well. Krishna is kind with those who save cows and protect them. He is delighted by any effort done to serve a cow and he never even forgets us if we benefit cow.
As an animal cow is very lovable, simple and gentle, what we can do to serve her is we can buy grain for her, feed her every time we get an opportunity and we can donate the cow to an institution where they are treated with utmost care.
From time immemorial, in India, the Vedic tradition has encouraged an Agrarian based civilization. Cows have always played a pivotal role in the Vedic Agrarian society. The Cow is revered as the most sacred animal to Hindus, a fact that is evidenced by the dedication of several hymns and rituals, reverentially addressing it as ‘GOMATHA’ (divine mother cow) in all the sacred scriptures including Vedas and Puranas. ‘Gomatha’ is a symbolic representation of 33 crore Gods who are said to hold positions in various parts of a cow’s body. As a representation of the divine, all auspicious ceremonies and rituals involve the Cow and its produce. Everything from, milk, butter, ghee, curd, cheese, even the cow’s dung and urine are considered very sacred in Hindu Vedic tradition.
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Vedic Vaani will Perform Gaudaan on your behalf . Puja service includes: Gau Puja,Gau Surbhi Mantra japa 51000,Food to cow. Vedic Vaani priests will perform Puja Gau Puja as per vedic rituals and then Gau Daan will be done. Please mention your birth details (name, date, time, place) and Sankalp (wish) at checkout. You will be provided with the contact no. of the priest, to call during the sankalpa . Know more about our exclusive Puja Services
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Short Description | Gau' means cow and Daan means donation. Cow has a great importance in Hindu religion.Pratyaksh (Real Indian Cow) will be donated to a brahmin in Lord Krishna Lands Brajbhoomi .The benefits of donating a cow are simply endless. There is no other donation comparable to donation of a cow in this world. Benefits / Purpose of Cow donation: 1. Paap Dhenu Daan: to get rid off sins. Pratyaksh (Real Indian Cow) will be donated to a Brahmin in Brajbhoomi Mathura. |