Navratri Garbo Pot for Mataji in Pure Silver

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Garba is worship during the festival Navratri, “Navratri” or “Navaratri”, is a synchrony of two words – “nava” (meaning nine) and “ratri” (meaning night). Clubbed together, it translates to nine nights. The festival of Navratri, which spreads over 9 nights and 10 days, is one of the most revered festivals in Hinduism and celebrated during the autumn season. It lays importance on the worship of Goddess Durga or Shakti, which represents the energy of the universe, in her nine different forms.

Make: made in pure silver.
Dimension: 3.5 inches (H) x 4 Inches (W)
Weight: 260 gms
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Short DescriptionGarba is worship during the festival Navratri, “Navratri” or “Navaratri”, is a synchrony of two words – “nava” (meaning nine) and “ratri” (meaning night). Clubbed together, it translates to nine nights. The festival of Navratri, which spreads over 9 nights and 10 days, is one of the most revered festivals in Hinduism and celebrated during the autumn season. It lays importance on the worship of Goddess Durga or Shakti, which represents the energy of the universe, in her nine different forms.

Make: made in pure silver.
Dimension: 3.5 inches (H) x 4 Inches (W)
Weight: 260 gms