Charan Paduka in Fluorite Stone
Charan Paduka in Fluorite Stone carved out of natural Fluorite gemstone. Paduka is a compound word made up of two words namely, "pada" and "ka". In Sanskrit language, 'Pada' means: "foot" and ka is a diminutive ending with literal meaning of "small".
Many fluorite crystal specimens are fluorescent under ultraviolet light. As you might have supposed, the very phenomenon of fluorescence has gotten its name according to the name of this mineral. The crystal structure of fluorite is cubic but it cleaves into an octahedral form, meaning that, in essence, we have two pyramidal shapes glued together and merged into one whole octahedron.
Dimensions: 0.75 inch (H) x 1.75 inches (diameter).
Weight: 53 gms approx
Short Description | Charan Paduka in Fluorite Stone carved out of natural Fluorite gemstone. Paduka is a compound word made up of two words namely, "pada" and "ka". In Sanskrit language, 'Pada' means: "foot" and ‘ka’ is a diminutive ending with literal meaning of "small". |