Rahu yantra

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Rahu yantra is to protect from malefics of planet Rahu. It protects from hidden enemies, wrong diagnosis of illness, deceit and negative energies from affecting well-being.

Rahu is a cut-off head of an asura (demon), that swallows the sun causing eclipses. He is depicted in art as a serpent with no body. Rahu is one of the navagrahas (nine planets) in Vedic astrology. The Rahu kala (time of day under the influence of Rahu) is considered inauspicious.
Rahu yantra acts as a shield for your life against mishaps. It is also recommended for couples who wish for longevity and disease free life. It also relieves from addictions.

According to legend, during the Samudra manthan, the asura Rahu drank some of the amrita (divine nectar). Sun and moon realized it and they alerted Mohini (the female avatar of Vishnu). Before the nectar could pass his throat, Mohini cut off his head. The head, however, remained immortal due to the effect of amrita and became Rahu. It is believed that this immortal head from time to time swallows the sun, causing eclipses. Then, the sun passes through the opening at the neck, ending the eclipse. The body also turned into Ketu due to a boon, and it in turn swallows the moon on timely basis to cause a lunar eclipse. There is no equal to Rahu when it comes to giving upliftment in name and fame or sudden luck at gambling, which is probably the reason why Western astrologers regard it as the greatest benefic force. In Vedic astrology Rahu is seen as an asura or demon who does his best to plunge any area of life he controls into chaos, mystery, and cruelty. He is associated with the world of material manifestation and worldly desire, as well as random, uncontrolled growth without wisdom or understanding. Rahu is attired with blue and is offered black grams and mantharai flower. It is believed that offering the above to Rahu planet brings victory in all leads of life.

Design: Made in high quality copper with pure gold plating. Thick copper plate is used for durability.
Copper is well known for its grasping capacity. It grasps the divine spirit (sattvikta) upto 30%, when compared to other metals. So, copper is considered to be holy & auspicious all the time. Copper can destroy bad spirits like Raj & Tam (i.e. darkness & bad behavior). The spiritual vibrations are attracted towards copper items easily.  Just as copper has the ability to absorb the sattvik frequencies of deities, it has also capacity of transmitting them. Thus it becomes rich in divinity in a short period.
The most sattvik metal is Gold. It imbibes 70% of divine consciousness. As per spiritual science, the gold augments the absolute fire principle that enables the chakras above the waist to absorb positive energies. Gold refers to wisdom, glory and holiness. The indestructibility and immutability of gold in contrast to the impermanence of human life serve to make it particularly appropriate as a symbol of immortality.

Dimensions: 2 inches  x 2 inches
Mantra: Om Raam Rahve Namaha

What is a Yantra?
Yantra is a mystical instrument, which acts as a great cosmic conductor of energy, having symbolic diagrammatic representation of a Deity. It is used for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, wealth, yoga and meditation. Yantras are also referred as the abodes of the divine powers of God. Read more.

How to use Rahu Yantra?
1. Place the Yantra facing the South direction of your house or in puja altar.
2. Offer daily incense to the yantra.
3. Offer sandal paste in the center of the Yantra.
4. Offer Prasada (sweet offerings) to the yantra.
5. Chant the Mantra of the Yantra, minimum 11 times.
6. Consume the Prasada.

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Short Description

Rahu Yantra can Steer you clear of Materialism and set you on the path to true Riches. By worshipping of Rahu Yantra can prevent you from danger, hidden enemies, wrong diagnosis of illness and deceit from those around you. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to Gain.
Dimensions: 2 inches  x 2 inches
Metal: Yantra Made in high quality copper with pure gold plating.
Mantra: Om Raam Rahve Namaha!!


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Rahu yantra