Shiva Panchakshri Yantra

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Shiv Panchakshari Mantra is drawn from the five elements of nature namely, Earth, Sky, Water, Air and Fire. This Mantra is capable of cleansing up all these elements. See of this Bija Mantra has all the characteristics of its parent body. In a way it is a miniscule of its parent form, complete with everything. A Seed of a gigantic banyan tree is a comparatively tiny object but it has everything in it, right from trunk, leaves and other attributes. Shiv Panchakshari Mantra is evolved from the five seeds of aforesaid natural elements, Namah Shivaya. Na Consecrates Prithvi Tatva, Ma does the same with Jal Tatva (Water factor) Shi energizes Agni Tatva (Fire element) Va energizes Vayu Tatva (Air factor) and finally Ya energizes Akash Tatva (Sky element). Om purifies Bramhatatva and Crown Chakra. 

Shiv Panchakshari Mantra has terrific vibrations which cleanse all five elements present inside the body. All the panchabhootas are tied together with the string of lord shivas shakthi to make this beautiful mantra garland. 

Namah Sivaya is the most holy name of God Siva, recorded at the very centre of the Vedas and elaborated in the Saiva Agamas. Na is the Lord's concealing grace, Ma is the world, Si stands for Siva, Va is His revealing grace, Ya is the soul. Namah Sivaya has such power that the mere intonation of these syllables reaps its own reward in salvaging the soul from bondage of the treacherous instinctive mind and the steel bands of a perfected externalized intellect. Namah Sivaya quells the instinct, cuts through the steel bands and turns this intellect within and on itself, to face itself and see its ignorance. Sages declare that mantra is life, that mantra is action, that mantra is love and that the repetition of mantra, japa, bursts forth wisdom from within. 

Design: Made in high quality copper with pure gold plating. Thick copper plate is used for durability.
Copper is well known for its grasping capacity. It grasps the divine spirit (sattvikta) upto 30%, when compared to other metals. So, copper is considered to be holy & auspicious all the time. Copper can destroy bad spirits like Raj & Tam (i.e. darkness & bad behavior). The spiritual vibrations are attracted towards copper items easily.  Just as copper has the ability to absorb the sattvik frequencies of deities, it has also capacity of transmitting them. Thus it becomes rich in divinity in a short period.
The most sattvik metal is Gold. It imbibes 70% of divine consciousness. As per spiritual science, the gold augments the absolute fire principle that enables the chakras above the waist to absorb positive energies. Gold refers to wisdom, glory and holiness. The indestructibility and immutability of gold in contrast to the impermanence of human life serve to make it particularly appropriate as a symbol of immortality.

Dimensions: 2 inches x 2 inches
Mantra: Namah Shivaya

What is a Yantra?
Yantra is a mystical instrument, which acts as a great cosmic conductor of energy, having symbolic diagrammatic representation of a Deity. It is used for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, wealth, yoga and meditation. Yantras are also referred as the abodes of the divine powers of God. Read more.

How to use Shiva Panchakshri Yantra?
1. Place the Yantra facing the North East direction of your house or in puja altar.
2. Offer daily incense to the yantra.
3. Offer sandal paste in the center of the Yantra.
4. Offer Prasada (sweet offerings) to the yantra.
5. Chant the Mantra of the Yantra, minimum 11 times.
6. Consume the Prasada.

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Short Description

Shiva Panchakshri Yantra, is a very Powerful Yantra for Shiv Upasana. Bestows the Worshipper with all round Success and Blesses with the Positive Energy.
Dimensions: 2 inches x 2 inches
Metal: Yantra made in high quality copper with pure gold plating.
Mantra: Namah Shivaya!!