Namakaran Sanskar

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The birth of a child in a family is an occasion that brings joy and happiness to everyone associated with the family. The first thing that comes to mind after the birth of a child is choosing an apt name for him/her.

"Nama" exactly means "name" and "karana" means "to create, to result". The Namakaran Sanskar is usually held after the first 10 days of a baby's delivery. These 10 post-natal days are considered to be inauspicious as the mother and child are considered to be impure. After those 10 days, the house is cleaned and sanctified.

According to the Nakshatra at the time of birth, a particular letter of the Sanskrit alphabet is chosen which would prove lucky for the baby. The baby is then given a name starting with that letter. Usually the father whispers the name four times in the right ear of the baby.

The Namakaran Samskar is also performed on adult converts to Hinduism to mark their formal entrance into Hinduism. The convert chooses a Hindu name to declare his allegiance to Hinduism and his severance from his formal religion. A Vedic fire sacrifice is then performed and the convert writes his new name in a tray of uncooked rice.

Service includes: Identifying the suitable name/ first letter, 7000 chants of relevant Nakshatra mantra, Havan on the second day (during Brahma muhurat: 4 to 6 AM), identiyfing the first bath date.

Puja Schedule: The specific Date and Timings of Namakaran Sanskar will be educated to you through an email. You will be provided with the contact no. of the priest, to call during the Sankalpa/Puja.

It is strongly recommended to do certain donations if the child is born in Mula, Jyestha or Ashlesha Nakshtras. We will inform you about the same if applicable.

Details required for Puja
We request you to provide us the following details for the Puja via email on Name of the person for whom the Puja has to be performed
Date of Birth
Place of Birth
Time of Birth

Email us:
Mobile: +91-9820697944

Puja Ethics: All the pujas will be performed as per vedic ritulas. Pujas are performed by our learned and very much experienced Brahmins who have mastery in this line since they have been rehearsing it since a range of last two ages. All the pujas are performed precisely as indicated by the rules endorsed by our antiquated sages and our Vedic writing with the goal that our clients can determine the most extreme advantage of them.

All the pujas will be finalise by our purohits relying on the kind of Puja. The date is normally within 1 week of the receipt of the order unless it calls for a particular date either due to the customer’s choice or due to the type of Puja which requires to be performed on some specific Tithi (date according to the Hindu calendar) as per Vedic Shastras.
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The birth of a child in a family is an occasion that brings joy and happiness to everyone associated with the family. The first thing that comes to mind after the birth of a child is choosing an apt name for him/her.