Swadhishthana Sacral Chakra Aroma Healing Set

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Swadhishthana chakra is the seat of creativity, holds the energy of money, power of relationships and fears associated with risk taking. When out of balance, you may have problems moving forward in life due to fears. Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra is related to power (including will power), fame and our ability to channelize the money / manage finances.

Set contains
Seven chakra rosary mala - 1 no
Seven Chakra Stones set for Balancing & Healing - set of 7 stones
(Size of stones: 1.5 inches (H) 1.25 inches (W)
Swadhishthana Sacral Chakra Aroma Attar - 10 ml
Swadhishthana Sacral Chakra incense sticks - 100 gms
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Short Description Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra is related to power (including will power), fame and our ability to channelize the money / manage finances.

Set contains
Seven chakra rosary mala - 1 no
Seven Chakra Stones set for Balancing & Healing - set of 7 stones
(Size of stones: 1.5 inches (H) 1.25 inches (W)
Swadhishthana Sacral Chakra Aroma Attar - 10 ml
Swadhishthana Sacral Chakra incense sticks - 100 gms