Shagun Designer Envelopes Set

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While attending any ceremony or function in a house or marriages, it is customary to give money envelopes. It is perfectly acceptable to give a monetary gift to the couple at an Indian wedding. Usually this is done by placing money or vouchers with a card or a note into a pretty envelope or embroidered bag, along with best wishes to the couple. Numbers that end with numerical one are considered lucky, for instance, Rs.101, Rs.501, and so on.    

Designer envelopes with pure gold plating and Colour photos printed on them.
Options: Tridevi, MahaLaksmhi, Ganesh-Lakshmi-Saraswati (colored), Ganesh-Lakshmi-Saraswati (plain), Radha-Krishna, Peacock.

Dimensions: 3.5 inches (H) x 7 inches (L)

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While attending any ceremony or function in a house or marriages, it is customary to give money envelopes. It is perfectly acceptable to give a monetary gift to the couple at an Indian wedding. 
Dimensions: 3.5 inches (H) x 7 inches (L)