Pure Brass Puja Bell Ghanti for Spiritual Rituals

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This beautifully detailed brass bell is designed to be rung during the puja. The symbolic element of ringing a bell during a Puja is that the chime of the bell, especially that of the deep, sonorous bell, is very similar to the sound of the Primal Sound, the "Aum". The ringing of the bell is said to dispel evil forces, focus the mind, and its beauty is said to attract even the gods, thus taking away everything that is time-space oriented, and finally letting the devotee touch the plane of the absolute, the one that simply "IS". The bell is elegantly sculpted.

Design: Made of thick brass with long lasting finish.
Brass is well known for its grasping capacity. It grasps the divine spirit upto 30%, when compared to other metals. The spiritual vibrations are attracted towards these shining idols easily.

Dimensions: 5.5 inches (H) x 2.5 inches (W)
Weight: 330 gms
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Short Description This beautifully detailed brass bell is designed to be rung during the puja. The symbolic element of ringing a bell during a Puja is that the chime of the bell, especially that of the deep, sonorous bell, is very similar to the sound of the Primal Sound, the "Aum". The ringing of the bell is said to dispel evil forces, focus the mind, and its beauty is said to attract even the gods, thus taking away everything that is time-space oriented, and finally letting the devotee touch the plane of the absolute, the one that simply "IS". The bell is elegantly sculpted.

Design: Made of thick brass with long lasting finish.
Brass is well known for its grasping capacity. It grasps the divine spirit upto 30%, when compared to other metals. The spiritual vibrations are attracted towards these shining idols easily.

Dimensions: 5.5 inches (H) x 2.5 inches (W)
Weight: 330 gms