Panchmukhi Ganesha in Brass

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Panchamukhi Ganesha is shown having five faces. Pancha means Five and mukhi means faced. Panchmukhi Ganesha is embodiment of all potencies.  The most relevant meaning of the five-headed Ganesh is certainly that these heads symbolize the five kosha in the subtile anatomy experienced.

1) Annamaya Kosha This is the food sheath and corresponds roughly to the physical body.
2) Pranamaya Kosha This is the vital energy and it represents the subtle body, nadis, chakras and kundalini.
3) Manomaya Kosha This is the mental sheath which represents the mind and the organs of perception
4) Vijnanamaya Kosha This is the wisdom sheath which represents vijnana, or intellect, the talent which discriminates, determines or wills
5) Anandamaya Kosha This is the cosmic bless sheath and represents the eternal center of consciousness.

Thus, the fifth head of Ganesh symbolizes the highest level of yogic experience, called Anandamayakosha, or Sat-Chit-Ananda , the Pure Consciousness without qualification.  Thus, this form of Lord Ganesha when kept in home/office , brings auspicious vibrations of spirituality, harmony and bliss.
Panchmukhi Ganesha is quite popular in south India. Lord Ganesha has all the five elements under His control. Panchamukha Ganapati is very powerful in warding off the bad spirits and bad things happening without ones consciousness. Placing Panchamukhi Vinayaka or 5 faced Ganesha facing towards east, either in your home or office, would work wonders.

Make: Made in heavy shining brass.
Brass is well known for its grasping capacity. It grasps the divine spirit upto 30%, when compared to other metals. The spiritual vibrations are attracted towards these shining idols easily.

Dimensions: 2.6 inches (H) x 1.75 inches (W) x 1.25 inches (thickness)
Weight: 113 gms

Importance of Idol worship: Idols are not the idle fancies of sculptors, but shining channels through which the heart of the devotee is attracted to and flows towards God. Though the image is worshipped, the devotee feels the presence of the Lord in it and pours out his devotion unto it. Regular worship, Puja and other modes of demonstrating our inner feeling of recognition of Divinity in the idol unveils the Divinity latent in it. This is truly a wonder and a miracle. The picture comes to life. The idol speaks. It will answer your questions and solve your problems. The God in you has the power to awaken the latent Divinity in the idol. The lives of Mirabai, Sant Tukaram, Shri Ramakrishna Paramhansa and Shri Yogananda are a few instances to prove the point. They proved beyond doubt that idol worship has its own brighter side and through simple faith and intense devotion one can realize God through it.
Idols are the "finite representation of the Infinite".  As per Vishnu Samhita (ch 29, v 55-7), persuasively endorses the use of imagery (idols) and puts it:"Without a form how can God be mediated upon? If (He is) without any form, where will the mind fix itself? When there is nothing for the mind to attach itself to, it will slip away from meditation or will glide into a state of slumber. Therefore the wise will meditate on some form, remembering, however, that the form is a superimposition and not a reality."

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The Spiritual Hindu Diety Idol (Statue / Murti) of Panchmukhi Ganesha has designed in Brass and shown as a Ganpati having Five Faces.
Dimensions: 2.6 inches (H) x 1.75 inches (W) x 1.25 inches (thickness) (6 x 4 x 3 cms approx)
Weight: 113 gms


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Panchmukhi Ganesha in Brass