Meenakari Swing Jhula for Deities

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Swing Jhula with fine hand carving on wood with meenakari work. Deity idols are installed on jhoola as a sign of respect and praise. Which are handmade by accomplished native Indian carpenters. This swing is carved to perfection with the unique intricate design having a wooden asana at the top with one peacocks in the center. The sides of the swing are given an imperial look and a broad base for the perfect stature. This Beautiful swing is detachable and can be assembled. These wooden swings add beauty and elegance to your Puja Room.

It is also used on auscipious occasions like Krishna Janmastami. The Jhula is Decorated with Flowers and Ladoo Gopal is adorn with Beautfiul Shringar. It is durable, removable and easy to clean the diety seat.

Make: Wooden with meenakari work done.
Dimensions of set: 15 inches (H ) x 13 inches (L) x 6 inches (W) 
Dimensions of sinhasan: 3.75 inches (H) x 5.75 inches (L) x 3.5 inches (W)
Weight: 1.1 kg

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Swing Jhula with fine hand carving on wood with meenakari work. Deity idols are installed on jhoola as a sign of respect and praise. Which are handmade by accomplished native Indian carpenters. 
Dimensions of set: 15 inches (H ) x 13 inches (L) x 6 inches (W) 
Dimensions of sinhasan: 3.75 inches (H) x 5.75 inches (L) x 3.5 inches (W)
Weight: 1.1 kg