LUN Loti (Tabudi) for Gujarati Lagna Wedding Rituals

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This Loti which is know as Tabudi in gujarati is a integral part of wedding ceremony.

Loti can be filled with water or milk. A red or white thread is tied around its neck. When the loti is filled with water or rice, it is known as purnakumbha representing the inert body which when filled with the divine life force gains the power to do all the wonderful things that makes life what it is.
The loti is therefore considered auspicious and worshipped. the knowledge of all the Vedas and the blessings of all the deities are invoked in the kalasha and its water is thereafter used for all the rituals.

This loti can be used Purnakumbha as well as storing water for various spiritual rituals.

Design: Made of steel with handmade design with fine finish.
Dimensions: 2.75 inches (H) x 2.25 inches (W) Weight: 70 gms

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Short Description This Loti which is know as Tabudi in gujarati is a integral part of wedding ceremony.

The loti is therefore considered auspicious and worshipped. the knowledge of all the Vedas and the blessings of all the deities are invoked in the kalasha and its water is thereafter used for all the rituals.

Design: Made of steel with handmade design with fine finish.
Dimensions: 2.75 inches (H) x 2.25 inches (W) Weight: 70 gms