Laxmi Charan Sticker

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Lakshmi Charan is a lucky charm, symbolising the footprints of goddess Maha Lakshmi. Laxmiji  is of wealth and prosperity. Made of plastic, it is considered auspicious for Greh Pervesh, inauguration of office or shops. Stick it in your puja room, office, home, locker, safe, to attract money, luck and success.

It also has a Swastika symbol in the center. Swastik' is the traditional sign that stands for a warm welcome to any visitor who crosses the threshold of your home. Swastika means luck or auspicious object,and in particular a mark made on person and things to denote good luck.

You will find this sticker at the entrance of every Indian door. It should be pasted such that the fingers are facing inside the house, this indicates the inflow of wealth.

Dimensions: 1.75 inches (L) x1.95 inches (W)
Weight: 8 gm

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Lakshmi Charan is a lucky charm, symbolising the footprints of goddess Maha Lakshmi

Dimensions: 1.75 inches (L) x 1.95 inches (W)
Weight: 8 gm