Lakshmi Charan Paduka in Red Jade Gemstone

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This Lakshmi Charan Paduka symbolizes the foot prints of Mahalashmi, She is the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fortune. This foot print made in natural Red Jade Gemstone.

Paduka is a compound word made up of two words namely, "pada" and "ka". In Sanskrit language, 'Pada' means: "foot" and "ka" is a diminutive ending with literal meaning of "small".

Red Jade Gemstone works on the base chakra. It is also used to ease the process of transition in dying to make the transition gentle and surrounded by the unconditional love of the Divine.It is the stone of life-force power that dispels the fear that pulls the one back and helps him to make an action.

Dimensions: 1.1 inches (H) x 1.25 inches (diameter) (2.7 x 3 cm) approx
Weight: 60 gms approx

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This Lakshmi Charan Paduka symbolizes the foot prints of Mahalashmi, She is the Goddess of wealth, prosperity and fortune. This foot print made in natural Red Jade Gemstone.
Dimensions: 1.1 inches (H) x 1.25 inches (diameter) (2.7 x 3 cm) approx
Weight: 60 gms approx
Quantity: 1