Kanak Dhara Yantra - silver

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Kanakdhara Yantra helps in getting immense wealth, prosperity and luck.Goddess Laxmi is worshipped through this yantra and once appeased the deity banishes all traces of poverty from one's life and endows one with riches and splendor.

As per the legends, one day Adi Guru Shankaracharya sought some food from a house, all he got were sad tears and sighs of the lady of the house. On enquiry the Guru was appalled to hear that there was nothing to eat in that house except for a dry gooseberry, which the lady readily offered to him because she wanted not to turn away a Sanyasi empty handed from her door.Touched by her selflessness Shankar propitiated Goddess Kanakdhara (Laxmi) and opened the doors to fortune for improvised family. So, many avenues of earring opened up suddenly that it seemed that a river of Gold had been diverted to the house.

The problems like debt, failures in business etc. get rectified with the use of this Yantra. Kanakdhara Siddhi one of the most popular Ashta Siddhies known to ancient Indians is associated with this Yantra only so by worshipping it one acquires unlimited wealth.
This yantra has power to attract wealth from more than one resource. If all ancient texts were to perish and just the secret Sadhana of Kanakdhara Yantra survived, it would be enough to make rivers of gold to flow in our lives and make us the richest and most prosperous nation.

Design: Made in pure silver.
Silver is a sattvic metal. Silver has the ability to imbibe the Raja-predominant waves of desire.It imbibes 35% of divine consciousness. It is believed that silver stimulates energy flow to itself.

Thickness: approx. 0.5 mm

Mantra: Om Hreem SahastraVadane Kanakeshwari Sheeghram Avatar Aagachh Om Phat Swaahaa.

What is a Yantra?
Yantra is a mystical instrument, which acts as a great cosmic conductor of energy, having symbolic diagrammatic representation of a Deity. It is used for harmony, prosperity, success, good health, wealth, yoga and meditation. Yantras are also referred as the abodes of the divine powers of God. Read more.

How to use Kanak Dhara Yantra?
1. Place the Yantra facing the East direction of your house or in puja altar.
2. Offer daily incense to the yantra.
3. Offer sandal paste in the center of the Yantra.
4. Offer Prasada (sweet offerings) to the yantra.
5. Chant the Mantra of the Yantra, minimum 11 times.
6. Consume the Prasada.

Delivery time: Please note we will take upto 2 weeks to despatch this item. It is custom made on receipt of your order.

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Kanak Dhara Yantra Beautifully Designed in pure Silver and it is also meant by Goddess Laxmi Yantra which Blesses the Worshipper with Health, Wealth, Prosperity and Success.
Thickness: approx. 0.5 mm

Size: 3.5 inches
Weight: 15 gms
Mantra: Om Hreem SahastraVadane Kanakeshwari Sheeghram Avatar Aagachh Om Phat Swaahaa!!