Silver Tabeez / Amulet in Diamond cut Design

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Locket or Taweez means charm. They show their celestial properties when filled with mantras or materials obtained from puja rituals and ceremonies. They are tied on the arm or hanged round the neck.

Make: Made in pure silver.

Silver is a sattvic metal. Silver has the ability to imbibe the Raja-predominant waves of desire. It imbibes 35% of divine consciousness. It is believed that silver stimulates energy flow to itself, so when silver jewellery is worn– it helps to accumulate more energy.

Size: 2.5 inches (L) x 0.5 inch (H)
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Short Description Locket or Taweez means charm. They show their celestial properties when filled with mantras or materials obtained from puja rituals and ceremonies. They are tied on the arm or hanged round the neck.

Make: Made in pure silver.

Silver is a sattvic metal. Silver has the ability to imbibe the Raja-predominant waves of desire. It imbibes 35% of divine consciousness. It is believed that silver stimulates energy flow to itself, so when silver jewellery is worn– it helps to accumulate more energy.

Size: 2.5 inches (L) x 0.5 inch (H)