Divine Radhe Krishan Sculpture/Figures in Pure Silver

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This Idol/Moorti is completely designed in pure silver and shown as Lord Krishna Standing and playing his divine flute along with Goddess Radha who is holding his hand.

There love story is legendary, not because they were Gods, but for their union which saw a tragic end. Hindu scriptures describe them as divine lovers, but only Lord Krishna and his beloved Radha, know that it was beyond and above the understanding of all. It is said the only two things were beloved to Krishna more than anything, and these things were soulfully connected to each other- his flute and his Radha. It was his flute's soulful tune that impressed Radha and attracted her towards him and Radha was the reason that Krishna had his flute always on him.

Make: Made in pure silver.
Dimensions: 2.3 inches (H) x 2.3 inches (W)
Weight: 46 gms

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Short Description This Idol/Moorti is completely designed in pure silver and shown as Lord Krishna Standing and playing his divine flute along with Goddess Radha who is holding his hand.

Make: Made in pure silver.
Dimensions: 2.3 inches (H) x 2.3 inches (W)
Weight: 46 gms