Cowry Mala

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Cowrie shell mala, or Kauri bead necklace, is considered auspicious by Hindus and has a place in Hindu religious ceremonies and it is believed to represent Goddess Lakshmi. The Cowrie shell mala is offered to Goddess Lakshmi. And it is kept at home and worn for attaining wealth and prosperity. Japa (chanting) of mantras dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi with Cowrie beads is considered auspicious.

Cowry or Cowrie is glossy brightly colored shell of a tropical invertebrate sea animal, which has a long central toothed opening. As per Hindu Mythology, Cowries have close relationship with Goddess Laxmi, both having been appeared from sea.

People who possess cowries are believed to be blessed with love, luck and prosperity. The Cowrie mala is worn for financial stability.

Length of Mala: 10 inches
Dimensions of flower: 2 inches (L) x 2 inches (W)
Weight: 30 grams

Cowries are part of Lakshmi Puja in many regions.

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People who possess cowries are believed to be blessed with love, luck and prosperity. The Cowrie mala is worn for financial stability.
Length of Mala: 10 inches
Dimensions of flower: 2 inches (L) x 2 inches (W)
Weight: 30 grams