Buddha Planet Shanti Pack

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Budha is the god of the planet Mercury and the son of Chandra (the moon) with Tara (Taraka). He is also the god of merchandise and protector of merchants. He is represented as being mild, eloquent and of greenish colour holding a scimitar,a club and a shield, riding a winged lion in Ramghur temple. In other illustrations, he holds a scepter and lotus and rides a carpet or an eagle or a chariot drawn by lions. Budha presides over 'Budh-var' or Wednesday. 

Pack Items: DakshinaGreen cloth, Green Moong 50 gms, Buddh yantra, Green thread, Green agate.
Mantra: Om bram brim braum sah budhaya namah.
Day of Donation: On Wednesday in Ganesha temple. 

Donation: On client request the Shanti pack will be donated by us on auspicious Muhurta. You will need to specify Name, date, time and place of birth on checkout.

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Pack Items: Dakshina, Green cloth, Green Moong 50 gms, Buddh yantra, Green thread, Green agate.
Mantra: Om bram brim braum sah budhaya namah!!
We will donate the pack on your behalf and email you the pics. You can specify your birth details on checkout.