Amulet/Tabeez Bracelet with Chain in Pure Silver

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Amulet/Locket or Taweez means charm. They show their celestial properties when filled with mantras or materials obtained from puja rituals and ceremonies. It can be worn as a bracelet.

Make: Made in pure silver.
Silver is a sattvic metal. Silver has the ability to imbibe the Raja-predominant waves of desire. It imbibes 35% of divine consciousness. It is believed that silver stimulates energy fow to itself, so when silver jewellery is worn– it helps to accumulate more energy.
Dimensions: 8.25 inches
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Short Description Amulet/Locket or Taweez means charm. They show their celestial properties when filled with mantras or materials obtained from puja rituals and ceremonies. It can be worn as a bracelet.

Make: Made in pure silver.
Silver is a sattvic metal. Silver has the ability to imbibe the Raja-predominant waves of desire. It imbibes 35% of divine consciousness. It is believed that silver stimulates energy fow to itself, so when silver jewellery is worn– it helps to accumulate more energy.
Dimensions: 8.25 inches